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Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005, A blessed year

I actually wanted to make this post within the year of 2005, but did not get an opportunity to do so before Grace Chapel's meeting, and didnt have time to get to a computer and type out all my thoughts during the time of the meeting. So anyway I'd like to talk about everything that has happened in the year of 2005 for me that has made it a truely blessed year. In 2005:
-I started attending G.C. on Wed. nights regularly
-began taking a bigger role in my church, and started annoucing the prayer list, as well as making my first open prayer in front of the congregation and have since been called on regularly to pray
-built my church a website which will hopefully encourage new people to attend in the future
-attending Camp Moriah for the third time and started making many new friends (unlike the past year)
-started a regular routine of bible reading and frequent praying

...there are so many more things that I could list. But on top of all the wonderful things God has blessed me with the desire to do, there have been things that have made this year fairly difficult for me. Getting involved in something that I will not name (not ashamed, but out of the respect of privacy for some people that may not want me going into detail openly about some of the things). They have caused me a great deal of stress and grief, as well as much happiness and joy, which has made it a rather impacting year for me.

It has also been a great blessing to make new friends at GC upon my regular attendance, as well as becoming much closer to some of my current friends there. I certainly hope they are not annoyed by my regular attendance, it has been a great blessing to my life for God to have given me such good friends to be close with. I feel like I have been rescued from the Joe of my High School days when I, even though never cussing or doing many of the things my peers did, was a very worldly person in my thoughts and the language that I used, and even encouraging worldly behavior among others.

I certainly do look forward to a new year of establishing even closer friendships with many of my fellow Primitive Baptists, as well as taking a bigger role in my efforts for my church (and doing so without pride or feelings of self-worthiness). Thank you to all my friends in Christ for all your support, encouragement, and love you have shown me this past year, as well as all the time you have known me before then. May 2006 be an even more spiritually blessed year.

Also, I want to mention the GC meeting. I didnt bring a camera so unfortunantly if anyone wants to see pictures they will have to visit some of my friends' blawgs and blogs. The meeting was a blessing, there were excellent sermons preached, and so many good friends in Christ that were there. And congratulations to 'Drew and Nawill for winning the 2-on-2 basketball tournament Sat. night. Hope everybody has a wonderful 2006 and may the Lord richly bless you all.

God Bless,



At January 02, 2006 2:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear you had a blessed year,

It was good to meet you at the GC meeting and I hope you have a good '06 and see you in april!

At January 02, 2006 2:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh and there will be pics...lots and LOTS of pics..including the one of you! ha ha ha.....:)


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