html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: Business of Hospitality class

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Business of Hospitality class

Well, I guess I'll start this out talking about my weekend and then get into my unusually interesting Business of Hospitality class this evening. This weekend I went to Alabama as I do often these days, to visit my grandfather who is getting worse and worse off health-wise. I'm just praying he makes it another month. I really don't know if I'll ever see him again, but I really praying for him and my grandmother, and my mom, and just pretty much everyone that knows him, loves him, and is trying their best to take care of him. My dad came from Nashville where he was on a business trip, and me and my mom came Friday afternoon, so we had 2 cars down there. My mom and dad were planning to stay until Monday, and I had class Monday morning so I had to come back Sunday afternoon. So I drove my car back the entire 3 hour-drive home, passing the Poe's new home on the way (I didnt actually go by it, but I went through Walnut, MS on 72). I came home to an empty house, with 2 newspapers in the driveway, and mail in the mailbox on a Sunday evening. And my cat pretty much paid attention to me the entire evening, I think she was craving attention and I was the only one present to give it to her.

So anyway, next day. Monday was an interesting day today. Usually I have 2 morning classes, then about 6 hours to go to the library and study and keep up with reading in all my classes, and then my night class, Business of Hospitality, in the Holiday Inn just north of campus. However, after my 2 morning classes today I went to pick up my new glasses, and then went to Oak Court Mall to walk around to kill time, I went to Aeropostale but cannot mention what I bought (Christmas present...). Then I went to work from 1-5pm, because of a shift I previously picked up. At work I had the pleasure of seeing Rebekah Guess (whom had left her cellphone in the lab), and Andrew B. After work my Business of Hospitality class did not meet in the hotel, instead we were to meet in the FedEx Forum downtown (home of the Memphis Grizzlies). So I drove there and parked in the parking garage next to the FedEx Forum (which was free, thanks to my teacher), and walked to the front of the building. Once meeting up with my class, we took a guided tour through the building, and all the back rooms and everything, and trust me it was much more impressive than just the areas most people see through walking around the lower-level corridor. The club level was absolutely beautiful!!! There was a huge restaurant in the cooridor, with dim-lit lights, and we even walked into the arena part to see plates and glasses layed out at the seats where people there could eat while watching the game (those were $350 seats). Well anyway we toured everything from the terrace level all the way to the ground level to the visitor's locker room (we couldnt tour the Grizzlie's locker room due to training camp). The tour lasted about 2 hours, longer than the normal hour and a half of class. After we all left, I went and parked at a meter off of Union and Riverside Drive (meters are free on weekends and after 6pm on weekdays) and walked up to Peabody Place Mall. I just walked around for the most part. All I bought was some chocolate covered marshmellows at the Chocolate Shop.

Well that about concludes the interesting part of my day. I have nothing more left to say (well thats interesting). So I will leave yall with pictures of my lovely unnamed cat.



At October 11, 2005 10:23 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

She's the cat (our one and only) that is sexist. She pretty much hates all men. I mean when she's in a good mood she'll rub against me and all, but when she's in a bad mood she's always angry whenever I pet her. She's never like that with Grace or my mom, she loves them. She also goes and sits in their laps all the time, she'd never sit in mine or my dad's lap.

Also, thanks for your prayers for my grandfather too. He seemed much worse off when I saw him this weekend. He nearly fell over once just standing up to hug me. I just hope I get to see him again, but am prepared and ready in case I dont. Its good to know that the Lord is in control.

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