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Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cincinnati meeting

The Cincinnati meeting was a real blessing. I didnt really know many people there, so I pretty much hung out with David Freeman most of the time. We got to know each other a lot better, and he is becoming a very close friend in my life and I am so blessed that we were able to share the time that we did at the meeting. I met his sisters and his family, and he introduced me to some other people. It was great meeting everybody. And I want to thank Brother Pierre and Sister Chrissy Collet and their beautiful family for letting me stay in their lovely house. They were all very warm and welcoming to me and I cant say enough about how humble I felt by how wonderful they were to me. Everyone at Cincinnati were so friendly, God has really blessed their church so much. Hopefully I will be able to make the trip up there again next spring during their meeting.

God Bless,



At October 24, 2005 8:24 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

Thank you so much. Please check your TROG Private Messages.

At October 25, 2005 4:26 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

Done. You know what I just realized I accidentally deleted the post above this about my fall break. Not that it was a big deal, so I'll some up that post right here: I got a flat tire and an ear infection, thats about it.


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