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Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Jackson Meeting

Well where should I begin.... The Jackson meeting of course was a very blessed meeting. Great sermons, great food, and wonderful people to socialize with, and even meeting a few new people was a blessing. I rode down there Friday afternoon with Ryan, Lydia, Seth, and Eleanor and we stayed through Saturday night, then Ryan, Seth, and I rode back and got back into Memphis around 2:30am last night. One of the parts of the meeting I really feel the need to comment on was when all the young people gathered around to sing, and we were able to sing one of my favorite songs, Hide Thou Me. The reason for my interest in this song, besides just the beautiful way the tune flows, is that it is just so encouraging, especially when I get discouraged. And after some of the rough times I have faced in the past few months, and being just so discouraged to some very low, and horrible-feeling points at times, being able to hear songs like that (which are just so spiritually encouraging) gives me motivation for life. I was very touched to hear everyone sing that particular song so beautifully.

Also Ryan, Seth, and I had the pleasure to stay at Lacey Madden's house where we stayed up into the wee-hours of the morning (11:30pm) playing some of the all new, high-tech video games (on Super Nintendo), and that was definently a blast.

Well anyway, thats all I have to comment about for right now, I'm still looking for more comments so anyone (perhaps someone I might have met at the meeting and mentioned to them about my blawg) that comments are definently very much appreciated.

God bless yall.



At January 30, 2006 4:17 PM, Blogger gabbie said...

i'm glad you had fun at the meeting.

those hymns are always so uplifting, aren't they?

At January 30, 2006 7:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad yall had fun. It stinks that I wasn't able to get up there..or is it down there. Anyway, I also find it funny that you referred to 11:30 pm as the wee hours of the morning. If you were meaning that as a joke I totally got it!

At January 30, 2006 9:58 PM, Blogger LaceyP said...

gotta love my high-tech Super Nintendo...I mean...I'm not sure anyone has one yet..or I guess I should say, I'm not sure anyone has one anymore! LoL...glad yall had fun...

At January 30, 2006 10:15 PM, Blogger BirdTrainer said...

Wish I could have been there. Glad ya'll had fun though.

At January 31, 2006 9:09 AM, Blogger joe4444 said...

Gabbie- yea, they certainly are ;)

Adam- yea it was a joke, lol.

Kaity- did I say that? oops!!! well I did borrow my mom's camera, but didnt get a chance to take any pictures, which is a shame because I wanted to get one in the car on the way down when Seth fell asleep on my arm (which I think Lydia was the only one to actually witness).

Lacey- yea, its been awhile since I've played Donkey Kong, Pacman, and Super Mario.

Nat- yea we missed yall, will you be at boot camp in March?

At January 31, 2006 9:35 AM, Blogger joe4444 said...

O and I forgot to mention this, but Ryan played Classical music almost the entire way. And I had to pleasure of listening, from the backseat, Ryan and Seth debate over "nothingness" and "stillness," so of course my iPod got a pretty serious workout, trying to drown out the sound with some Kenny Chesney, Big N' Rich, and 311.

At January 31, 2006 5:59 PM, Blogger BirdTrainer said...

I don't know if I will be able to come... when softball season starts my life is pretty much over for a while.

At January 31, 2006 10:25 PM, Blogger cpuaggie said...

Glad to hear the meeting went well. I hate it I missed it.

I know exactly what you mean about those hymns. They really do touch the heart of someone who can relate.


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