html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: <span style="color: rgb(255, 204, 51);">Camp Moriah 2006</span>

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Camp Moriah 2006

I have now been to both Harmony Hill and Camp Moriah in consecutive weeks, and let me say that I am exhausted. But nonetheless both were a lot of fun. I must say that I found Camp Moriah to be a lot more enjoyable though. It was my first year at HH and I didn't really know a lot of people there, so I didn't socialize just a whole lot. I did meet a few new people and had a lot of fun though. At CM I knew lots of people and don't think I even managed to talk to everyone I knew like I wanted to. It was my fourth year at camp and I must say its probably been my best of the 4 times I have now been to camp. Here's some pics to share the memories with yall.

On Tuesday Roy brought a tent and he, Nathan, Nick, and I all stayed in it for three nights, and on the last night (Friday night) it was Roy, Nathan, Tyler, Logan, and I all sleeping in it. Here's the tent and my car parked next to it (where we kept our luggage and stuff). You can't see our cooler in this picture but for the most part it was kept right outside the tent.

Can anyone make out who these "supposedly" girls are?

Tommy and David. David was our counselor this year in the cabin devotion, and what a fine job he did as that. Now if I can only find that verse I'm supposed to send to him....

Tuesday night got a little crazy.

Hey kids, wanna hear a bedtime story?

It was a full moon.

Gettin' late.

Kaity was just so excited to be at camp this year, and you can tell by the look on her face.

Four guys in a tent (two of them in college), what else can you expect after three days? The cooler was in the trunk of my car at the time of this picture, because I was sick of everyone coming up to take all my Cokes and Dr. Peppers so I left it there to reserve the rest of the drinks for only the guys in the tent and maybe one or two other guys (hey I tried to be generous with the drinks but I can't get carried away). I had to run into town and refill it with ice three times over the course of camp.

My boy John, dude knows how to dress too. Here's him at the bon fire in a pink American Eagle polo. Who says guy's can't wear pink?

(In order from left to right) Daniel, Keith, John Rogers, and Jesse Couthen. Those guys were hilarious.
Bethany and Barry, whom I got to know really well this past week. They are great, I hope I become closer friends with them too.

Not sure what to say of Tyler and Micheal here, it was late, and as you know those guys are always very serious. Theres also a little bit of Allison on the left side of the pic.
This is the guy that says he would never wear a pink shirt because apparentely its too "feminine." I'll let yall be the judge of that one.
And that was Camp Moriah 2006. I'll post some pics from Harmony Hill in a few days. God bless and have a great week everybody.

"What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid."
~Romans 9:14



At June 26, 2006 8:14 PM, Blogger tag said...

Sorry I missed it. I'm gonna go to one of them things sometime, I am...

At June 26, 2006 11:28 PM, Blogger Androphenese said...

good pics, joe. I admit it, I got a dr pepper out of your stash. please forgive me.

At June 27, 2006 12:14 AM, Blogger LaceyP said...

yay! you gave me a Dr. Pepper! I didn't have to beg...thanks! You don't know how BAD I wanted one! :)

At June 27, 2006 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joe! Nice pics. It's funny, I recongize other people but sorry, I have no clue which one is you! Sorry! :| I bet that sounds great, don't it? lol sorry!

At June 28, 2006 11:44 AM, Blogger joe4444 said...

John- i bet you didnt, if i had the patience to count all mine, it'd be somewhere in the thousands. I also got a huge open cut on my left foot (from the scratching) and sliced off a tiny portion of my ring-finger on my right hand from reaching into my bag only to discover I had an open razor in there. I'll try to make yall's singing school, but no guarantees, I have a second session summer class.

Andrew B.- its fine, and you were more than welcome to it. I wasnt blaming anyone for my running out of them, I just wanted to keep a few for Friday night.

Lacey- I dont remember that, but I'm glad I did. Hope you enjoyed it. ;)

Seth- w00t for pink :D

Rachel- I'm the weird in the purple under the caption "Hey kids, wanna hear a bed time story?" or you can just click here to see me.

At July 13, 2006 10:33 PM, Blogger gabbie said...

Camp Moriah looks like so much fun! Maybe I can make it next year...

At July 11, 2008 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just started a Camp Moriah Blog (, and am wanting stories from everyone who has been to Camp and enjoyed it. You can send stories about Camp to CampMoriahBlog @, and I'll post them to the blog. If you know of anyone else who could also contribute, please send them the email address, and also give out the blog info. The blog is in its infancy right now, but I hope to flesh it out very soon.

Kathy (Formsma) Petersen


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