html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153);">Liberalism just doesn't win</span>

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Liberalism just doesn't win

Looks like Liberal, Anti-Christian candidate Bob Corker just can't catch a break in the local TN Senate election. He is down 48%-43% to Ford in the latest Rasmussen poll. He is down 43%-42% to Ford in the latest Mason-Dixon poll. So, to shed even more light on the selffish millionaire, I would reference to the fact that Firefighters and Law Enforcement Offices have officially offered their support to Conservative, Christian Congressman Harold Ford Jr. Here's the details:

U.S. Senate Democratic nominee Harold Ford Jr. received the endorsement Monday of firefighters and law enforcement officers, who also backed Ford's claim in a controversial TV ad about their pay.

"It was a no-brainer for us," said Gary Moore, who is with the Professional Firefighters Association of Tennessee.

Moore cited Ford's support of federal legislation to give firefighters and law enforcement officers the right to collectively bargain with their employers.

During interviews with all the candidates during the primary, Republican nominee and former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker told first responders he did not believe they should have the right to negotiate with their employers for benefits.

And Moore backed Ford's ad that says Corker froze firefighters' pay while giving himself a raise when he was mayor.

Moore referred to the pay step program put in place to ensure Chattanooga police and firefighters get increases over time of 3 percent to 5 percent each year. Corker suspended the pay step program and substituted it with a 2 percent increase and $500 to offset a $600 health insurance premium increase, Ford officials said.

"He took away their step raises and in the process, gave himself a raise," Moore said....

Click here for Source, and to read the full article



At October 04, 2006 10:50 AM, Blogger Terms Of Endearment said...

I love the way that you sling the mud. Muckraking,some have called it. Funny too, how you characterize the candidates as the opposite of what reality suggests, even demands. Keep it up, my liberal friend. By the by, there is a poll that also shows Corker ahead at 43% to 42%. So much for polls. Have you, by any chance, been polled? Me neither. Like I said, so much for polls. Despite my profile, I'll always remain...


At October 04, 2006 12:50 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

I have said nothing opposite or contrary to fact. The Republicans have accused Corker of being a "Liberal" and the Democrats have accused Ford of being a "Conservative." Its one of those few situations where the Democrat is more Conservative and supports the more Christian view than the Republican.

Btw, do you care to give me the source of that poll? Because there's also a poll, Zogby, that had Corker up by 6 (48%-42%) over Ford. However, its reliability was strongly questioned, as its also the poll that had Kerry winning the 2004 Presidential race. Also, Corker criticized Zogby during the primaries for choosing Ford to beat him, while it showed Van Hilleary and Bryant both beating Ford.

Plus, both the polls I cited (Rausmussen being a Republican-biased poll) came out more recently than the Zogby poll, and from what I understand (though I confess I do not have the statistics nor facts to back it up) have a lower margin of error percentage.

So much for polls, indeed...

At October 04, 2006 1:47 PM, Blogger Setiago said...

J-Thomp, why do you label Corker as anti-Christian? Also, if you are voting for the "conservative" candidate instead of the "liberal," why don't you join our cause to get more conservatives elected? Also, how is Rausmussen Republican-biased?

At October 04, 2006 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to meet you there, laddie...what about the playboy party...boy does he ever sound Christian....

At October 04, 2006 2:50 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

J-Thomp, why do you label Corker as anti-Christian?

Because, if you research Corker and his flip-flopping Liberal views on Social issues, you will see that he stands for nothing remotely Christian. Take abortion, in 1994 Corker insisted that the Government stay out of the issue of abortion. And now, that he has a Senatorial seat on the line, he comes out saying that he believes abortion should be illegal except in situations of rape, incest, and to save a mother's life. (I could send you the actual quotes and their sources, if you like). Ford has a voting record that clearly opposes abortion and is rated by the NARAL as a "Pro-Life" candidate.

I also refuse to trust Corker's stand on gay marriage. Reason being, that Corker's own daughter (Julia) was seen in a facebook picture, drunk and making out with another girl, and there is controversy as to whether or not she is a "lesbian." As if this doesn't say enough about his stand on family values, what does this say about his views on gay marriage? Could his own daughter have an influence on him? After all, I have not heard much on Corker involving the issue of gay marriage, perhaps he is covering it up because it is not popular with Tennessee voters? Well either way, Ford has a voting record clearly opposed to gay marriage. For example, Ford voted for the BAN on same-sex marriages in Sept. of 2004.

Also, if you are voting for the "conservative" candidate instead of the "liberal," why don't you join our cause to get more conservatives elected?

Well this is one of few elections I feel lead to give my support to the "Conservative" candidate. Reason being looking at the issues of both candidates and the vision they hold for the state of Tennessee. I am, as a quiz not-so-long ago says that I'm sure "Anonymous" remembers, typically an Economic Liberal and a Social Conservative (meaning, I agree with the Republicans on the religious issues and a few other non-Economically related things enough that I fall in that catagory). An overview of Corker and his Liberal Social views shows that he is clearly not the Conservative choice here. As I have said before, I vote for the candidate I see as more of the Populist (meaning, opposite end of the political spectrum from Libertarian) and I do so regardless of political party association. Whether they typically lean more Conservative or more Liberal it all depends, but in this case, Ford is the Conservative and the right choice for that Senate seat.

Also, how is Rausmussen Republican-biased?

Because they favor Republicans by more than their actual results, same way Beneson is Democrat biased. I don't have any facts right now to support that, but will try to give you something to reference to when I can.


Anymore questions? Seriously, please do ask. Anything I can do to show yall that Ford is the right choice for this Senate seat, I would love to do.

At October 04, 2006 3:09 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

nice to meet you there, laddie...what about the playboy party...boy does he ever sound Christian....

Jay Bush from B4C (pretending to be disguised as Anonymous): It was a Super Bowl party, not what your thinking it was... There was nothing of an indecent or unChristian behavior that occurred, to my knowledge.

At October 04, 2006 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to my knowledge???? Joe, get up and smell the coffee beans,dude. You are looking at this guy like he is a real Christian. This guy ain't no white shirt wearing, sunday school going nice guy. He is a die hard liberal Ford with a wolf in sheep's clothing persona.

At October 04, 2006 4:44 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

Joe, get up and smell the coffee beans,dude. You are looking at this guy like he is a real Christian. This guy ain't no white shirt wearing, sunday school going nice guy. He is a die hard liberal Ford with a wolf in sheep's clothing persona.

Dude, you wake up and smell the coffee. Ford is not this anti-Christian Liberal that your trying to make him out to be. What has Ford done wrong? Nothing!!! Don't try to blame him for all his family's mess, I mean seriously if my dad rob's a bank does that make me a criminal? Any logical person can answer that as a "No." Ford is a devout Christian, from what I have seen, and I consider it an insult to try to accuse him of acting otherwise when you have no clue about his personal life, even though that he attends Baptist church every week, unlike Corker.

At October 05, 2006 2:13 PM, Blogger Dani said...

I'm hearing this stuff in Alabama, now too. Good luck to you guys. Hope he gets it.

At October 05, 2006 2:18 PM, Blogger Dani said...

as a side note for anonymous, mud slinging is when you cover up the issues by merely throwing things that may or may not be true in the other competitiors face, it is politicing by negative campaign strategy. Mudraking is where you dig through the mud to find the truth on issues, and it is generally don't by an independent party seeking to get issues addressed.

At October 05, 2006 11:47 PM, Blogger joe4444 said...

Dani, thanks for your support. Its great to see that you are so willing as to cross party lines to support the Conservative Christian candidate in this election. It really bugs me when people are just so attached to a party, like the Republican party, that they could never consider voting for someone from the Democrats regardless of how Conservative they may be.

At October 06, 2006 2:18 AM, Blogger Dani said...

I tend to vote Republican it's true, but I believe that true civil virtue is rising above petty party lines and doing what you think is best for the country. Best of luck, seriously.

At November 05, 2006 10:55 PM, Blogger cpuaggie said...

This sure has been fun to watch:D


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