html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: August 2005

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well its Thursday, I just got home from work, at the U of M in Operations. I only have one more day at that job and then I'm leaving it after the summer and sticking to just one job (in the Computer Lab) for the fall. School starts next Monday, Aug. 29 for both me and my sister, Grace. Grace is going to school at UT Martin though, and me and my family will be driving up there tomorrow to help her move in, then we'll be going to Alabama for the weekend to spend time with my grandparents, especially my grandfather who is in poor health. Well anyway thats all I've got going on at the moment. Go Tigers!!! God Bless ~Joe

Monday, August 15, 2005


Well I need to make a new post because my blog is sort of empty at the moment, so I guess I'll talk about stuff thats going on this summer. Well here's how I describe my fun and exciting summer: work, work, and more work. LOL!!! j/k!!! well I did work a lot, but earlier in the summer I went to Washington D.C. with my family. It was fun there, we saw about 100 museums along the mall, and we saw the FDR Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, WWII War Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Washington Monument, The Library of Congress, the Capital building, The Pentagon (we saw the exact location of the 9/11 plane crash), The White House (many thanks to Congressman Harold Ford Jr. who arranged us on tour of those last three), and probably a lot of other things but I can't think of them at the moment, after all this trip was almost three months ago, it was in the middle of May, so I can't remember everything. We also drove up to Pennsylvania and saw the Battle of Ghetteysburg and all that cool stuff. The trip was a lot of fun, seeing as how its been a few years since I've gone on one with my family.

About the only other place I went this summer was Camp Moriah. Which was a lot of fun as always. The sermons were a blessing, and the people were great. I even met a few new people which was also great. I think of the 3 CM's I've been to this one was the best. I'm becoming more familiar there and I think people are opening up more to me, which is good because I have always been sort of shy, and not known many people there. Well other than those places I havent really left Memphis anytime this summer except an occassional visit to Alabama to visit my grandparents, especially while my grandfather is in such poor health at the moment. (If your reading this, please pray for him, thank you so much). Well anyway thats all for now, God Bless ~Joe

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Hello, just my first post to see how my blog works. Nothing interesting going on at the moment. I'm just working (as always over the summer) and bored with nothing to do.