html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: October 2006

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Brown Recluse bite of pain

Warning: Some of the contents of this post are rather graphic, please take that into consideration prior to reading this post.

Last week, sometime over fall break, I look at my waist to see a small bump of some sort. Nothing unusual, just something that I always see. So of course my natural expectation is that it will go away soon, no problem....

Well it wasn't quite that simple. On Thursday, I had noticed this "bump" had grown rather extensively in size, and was now rather sore. On Friday I went to the free Student Health Clinic on the Univ. of Memphis campus, where my bump was looked at by a nurse and was diagnosed as "some sort of infection" and I was prescibed for some antibiotic medicine.

Over the weekend was when this bump became most painful. It was nearly impossible to sleep at night, and I was forced to wear the loosest pairs of pants I own. On Monday, I went back to the clinic, as requested of me, and was asked to come back again Tuesday to see the doctor to "have it opened up and drained." I returned this morning, right after my Business Finance exam, at which the doctor examined it and said that it was too dry to drain, and he diagnosed it as "probably a brown recluse bite." He gave me a new prescription (a much stronger one), and asked me to stop taking my current one. I was also asked to return Thursday for further evaluation.

So here I lie this Tuesday evening, my brown recluse bite not being quite so painful anymore, but more itchy, as the skin is more-or-less dry and tender at this point, as it will stay for about the next month or so. Yall please pray for me. God bless.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Am I just stupid?

The question has found its way into my mind many times. Especially when its like my entire class understands something, and I'm clueless. Well, on October 18, 2005 I was driving up Graham St, and turned into the Exxon just before Summer, and turned too sharply and hit the curb with back, right side of my car. I pulled up to a gas pump, got out, and saw that my back right tire was flat. I filled up with gas, and then drove behind the station and changed the tire.

So, today being the one year anniversary of this infamous incident, it only be fitting that I celebrate it the proper way (not on purpose, of course). I was driving along a parking lot in Cordova, glanced in a store on my left, and BAM!!! I felt the same right side of my car bang into the curb. I pulled over, got out, looked on the right side of my car, and well.... yall can do the math here....

It was about 8:00pm that I noticed this, umm... "celebrated anniversary" event occur. About 8:10pm I had the spare on and all ready to go, but noticed it being flat itself. I drove right around to the Fill-N Station, and wasted 50 cents on what should be free, air to fill up the tire.

Does this happen to any person in their right mind? What are the odds the same thing happens the same day exactly one year later? Am I in the Twlight Zone?

They say "the second time a dog bites you, its not the dogs fault anymore."

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Rebirth of Coldism

Well anyone that stepped outside today has realized that something happened to summer!!!! It seems to be missing its key aspect....

....So here comes that lovely time of year again. Where walking to class becomes a pain, where the entire customer base at Hollister and Pac Sun go into hybernation, where the hose outside never runs, where the car ignition takes at least three turns to start for anyone who doesn't drive a Toyota, where when you watch football games you can always see the linemen breathe, and where I can complain for months about how racist Germantown is for not allowing "colored Christmas lights" in their city.

To prepare for the change of seasons, I have done three important things:

1. As you can see, I have finally gotten rid of that old sea cliff background, and replaced it with a shot of my neighborhood. The shot is set from the driveway of my house, facing west, showing the short road in which the street I live on runs, in the freezing cold snow from last February.

2. I have changed my hair styles. Actually this was about 5 days ago, but still, when I did it it was for the intention of preparing for the end of summer anyway. My old hair style was a straight-upward spiked surfer-look. Last Saturday, I got it cut. For the winter I decided to change it to a more Conservative, comb-over look. My only fear of this is looking like Ron Howard when it starts to grow out.

3. I decided to download some good Christmas songs for my iPod, Kenny Chesney style, and have been listening to them all day. My favorite is All I want for Christmas.

So far thats all I can think of doing. If anyone can think of anything else I may need for the winter (besides bundling up on clothes), then please help me out.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A new day

I decided to delete my last post because I felt it wasnt really glorifying to God. Plus, I'd like to restablish the image of this blog as more of a personal blog, rather than a politically debating one. If anyone who was debating in that post or wanted to comment on it, I ask that you please send me an e-mail at: So why the sudden change of moods? Well I experienced a rather blessed day today...

Today I visited three churches and witnessed two baptised, as the folks at Grace Chapel heard me testify this evening. Somehow, someway, it really touched my life, at this point where I have been so busy with classes, exams, work, etc... It really made me realize where the priority should be in my life. Praise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Liberalism just doesn't win

Looks like Liberal, Anti-Christian candidate Bob Corker just can't catch a break in the local TN Senate election. He is down 48%-43% to Ford in the latest Rasmussen poll. He is down 43%-42% to Ford in the latest Mason-Dixon poll. So, to shed even more light on the selffish millionaire, I would reference to the fact that Firefighters and Law Enforcement Offices have officially offered their support to Conservative, Christian Congressman Harold Ford Jr. Here's the details:

U.S. Senate Democratic nominee Harold Ford Jr. received the endorsement Monday of firefighters and law enforcement officers, who also backed Ford's claim in a controversial TV ad about their pay.

"It was a no-brainer for us," said Gary Moore, who is with the Professional Firefighters Association of Tennessee.

Moore cited Ford's support of federal legislation to give firefighters and law enforcement officers the right to collectively bargain with their employers.

During interviews with all the candidates during the primary, Republican nominee and former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker told first responders he did not believe they should have the right to negotiate with their employers for benefits.

And Moore backed Ford's ad that says Corker froze firefighters' pay while giving himself a raise when he was mayor.

Moore referred to the pay step program put in place to ensure Chattanooga police and firefighters get increases over time of 3 percent to 5 percent each year. Corker suspended the pay step program and substituted it with a 2 percent increase and $500 to offset a $600 health insurance premium increase, Ford officials said.

"He took away their step raises and in the process, gave himself a raise," Moore said....

Click here for Source, and to read the full article