html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Joe's Blawg: February 2006

Joe's Blawg

Nothin' special here. Just ordinary "blawg" conversation from a typical college student striving to glorify Christ with every minute of his life.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New Font

Ok I need a new post because its been almost a week now, so I hope this will fulfill that requirement. I have no pictures, no link, or any other fun stuff to talk about. Except...... well as you may notice my sidebar appears to have text that looks rather different, like this. Well, I've been playing around with different fonts all morning actually, and this seems to be the best of them all, so far. If anyone is interested in getting a new font for either their sidebar or in the text of their posts, please get on Word or some other program and search through all the fonts until you find what you want to use, and then get in touch with me and I'll work you through the rest. All it takes is an extensive amount of work on html in your template. ;)

Yall please leave your feedback on my sidebar's new font, do ya like it? should I change it?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My former dawgs

Well today is the one year, and 2 day anniversary of the death of my former mutt-dawgs that we got from the animal shelter, Termite and Jill (guess which one was named after his/her favorite food?). They were both only 8 when they died. They had heartworms that were already infested in their hearts, and my family and I, ignorantly, forgot to give them regular heartworm treatment to keep that from occuring. So the vet gave us 2 options: pay $500 a piece to have them treated, and even then there was a low chance of survival, or have them put to sleep. After lots of thought, we decided the latter would be the better decision. So even though it hurt a little bit, we were forced to have them put to sleep. So RIP Termite (June 13, 1997-February 21, 2006) and Jill (June 19, 1997-February 21, 2006).

For those few of yall who read my blawg, please try to guess which dawg is which, I could use the extra comments. ;)

Also we have a new post on the hyper blog so please be sure to check that out.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Reactions to my last post

I just want to say thanks to those who were mature enough to laugh about my last post, rather than to be offended by it. Those who dish out the same kind of insults to President Clinton, Gore, and Kerry should at least be able to take them back when comments are made about less-Christian leaders like Bush and Cheney. Most people were mature enough to laugh about it, and they set a fine example for the Republican party and have shown me that there are many mature Republicans out there, and perhaps restored a bit of my faith in that party. However, there was one or two disgruntled people (not people who commented on the post, but others who said something to me in private) who set a bad example for their party, by trying to make me feel horrible for the pictures I posted, and for that I will tack on a few extra days to leaving my new profile picture up.

If the Republicans just had better economy strategies, better ideas for big-business growth, more efficient environmental plans, and weren't war-hungry, they'd be the perfect party. If its McCain or any other decent candidate (eg. anyone not associated with Bush in any way) in 2008 versus Hillary Clinton, the Republicans can count on my support. ;)

God bless yall,

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lady's and Gentlemen, I present to you the leaders of our great nation!!!

[Warning: this post will offend most, if not all, of its readers. Please be aware of the humor involved and do not take it personally. Yall did the same thing to Clinton so no complaining!!!!]

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hyper blog

Hey, everybody please Go Here and check out the new blog for Hyperism recorded on AIM!!!

Also please check out my friend Andrew Franklin's blog. Thanks yall

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Tis Valentine's Day, the most depressing, loneliest day of the year...

Someone please cheer me up. :`(

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Building a "snowgloo"

What do you get when you have two creative, less-than-mature college kids in a house surrounded by at least 5 inches of snow?

Well it turns rather interesting, see what happened in our backyard last night...

Thick snow

The start of the largest snowman in Memphis:

The 10 foot tall abominable snowman!!!!

After the snowman (which fell over, lol, you can clearly see it leaning in the pictures), we decided to build an igloo out of snow:

It proved to be hard work... after starting on the roof on the back end, we had some problems getting it really going, but after some creative ideas (eg. wedging two big snowballs together to create a "crawl-through" door) we managed to start making some serious progress:

Getting the top of the roof (the area shown above in the picture where Grace is inside the snowgloo) was the hardest part. We tried every form of packing snow into it we could think of, but couldnt manage a hole in the top any smaller than about 2 feet wide. So after Grace decided to just give up and go inside, I, being so determined to get this done, decided to roll about four smaller balls together and push them all against each other on the top, and then pack snow around them. Finally this prove successful as the roof was created at last and the snowgloo was complete!!!!

Here's pictures of the completed project (which was at about 11:30pm-midnight when I finally finished it):

So for those of you who I told I would be at Ripley PBC today for their meeting I apologize. I woke up this morning at about 6:45am with every bone in my body aching pretty bad from all the packing snow from last night, and decided "I'll just skip the morning and afternoon services, and go to the evening one." And now I find out a little bit ago that they arent even having evening services. So I'm very sorry yall!!!! I'll try to make it next time, I promise!!!

Snowing in Memphis

Well what a day yesterday was. Where to begin....

Well, against my prediction, it snowed!!!! Here's some boring pictures around our block from the front yard.

Out of the window of my room:

Down the street in both directions:

Me, my dad, and me again:

Grace comes home from UT Martin for the week (driving through the snow for at least an hour of the way):

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I recommend fulfilling your need for entertainment by going to play the Button game on my friend Gabbie's blog. You could also play it by going to Gabbie's Blog and looking at all the beautiful pictures from Hawaii and then scrolling down below them where the Button game is located. Thanks yall.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cooking with the Joe4444

Well after a long, and stressful evening last night filled with Database work on Access and Management homework, while working a 1-10pm shift in the computer lab after my only Friday class, I was indeed rather fatigued after returning home to a house comquered by the beast shown in the first picture that you will see below.

So my parents have gone out of my town to visit my grandmother, and with Grace off at college, I "run dis mug" for the weekend. So its a lovely Saturday morning, I wake up around 10:30, take a shower, and then go downstairs to prepare breakfast, for the first time in who-knows-how long. Here is footage of my excursions:

Basking in the sunlight, one of the favorite Saturday morning past-times for my cat.

Me trying to cook breakfast, with the iPod on. This is the first ever blog photo displaying my new hair style, how long it will last? I dont know, since I am still growing it out and it has been exactly 13 weeks now since my last official hair cut. Let this be a hint for anyone who has not yet done so, to please vote in my poll ------------------------------------>

Skillet-fried pancakes, yummy!!!

Eggs, need I say more?

A nice herty breakfast of burnt eggs, burnt pancakes, a tall glass of orange juice, and the Sports Section.